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OCLC Wise Support EN

Process ILL request

Learn how to process an ILL request in the Wise staff client.

Process ILL request allows you to create an ILL request ID when a request is created. This step is only necessary if you intend to track ILL requests before the requested item arrives. If you are using an external program to manage ILL requests, this can be skipped and you can simply create an ILL item after the item arrives.

 Note: You must have proper authorization to link items. If you are not authorized to perform these processes, they will appear in grey in the system. Contact your system administrator.

Link a temporary item

To link a temporary item to a request:

  1. Go to Items > Temporary items > Process ILL request. The Search request screen opens.
  2. Enter search terms for the request. Search by Request ID, title, author, and/or supplying system. 

     Note: The search is not case-sensitive and can be executed with partial title or author information.

  3. Click OK. If multiple results are found, select the correct request from the list. If only one result matches, the Link request to ILL item screen displays. If no results are returned, click Quit to revise your search.

  4. Enter linking information.  Note: Fields that are grayed out were provided when the request was created and cannot be edited. 

    Field Description
    Item ID

    Scan or enter the item ID. The ID number is printed on the receipt. Enter to allow the system to generate an ID. This number is determined based on the branch's scanning method.

    External number

    Enter the external item ID from the lending library.

    When entered, the item ID to be scanned is generated and printed on the slip.

    Supplemental material If supplemental materials are included with the item, click on the drop-down arrow and select a material type from the list. Click OK.
    Supplying branch If not already populated, select from the drop-down list.

    Return address
    Address 2

    If a delivering branch isn't available from the drop-down list for Delivering branch, enter the branch manually.
    Pick-up branch By default, the branch to which the item is linked is displayed.  To change pick-up locations, select a branch from the drop-down list.
    Return date

    This field is not required, but can be used to determine a return date for the item. If a return date is entered, the lending period is calculated. The return date can only be entered while entering an ILL item and cannot be edited later.

    Example: The ILL item arrives on 11/15. The lending library would like the item back within three weeks (12/06). The return date could be set to 12/04. No matter what date the customer checks out the item, the return date will remain 12/04.
    Print receipt Select Yes to print a receipt. The receipt includes a barcode for the item number. Select No and no receipt will be printed.
    Note A note about the item. 80 character limit.
  5. Click Save to link the item, or Next to link another item.
    • If you selected Yes for Print receipt, the receipt will be printed.
    • Once a request is linked, the request status will display as Transit and the supplying system will display under the Reserved in column on the Hold request screen.

After an item is linked to the system, it must be checked in by the pick-up branch before it can be placed on the holds shelf for pick up. When the item is checked in, the status will display as Received. At this point, a message is sent to notify the customer that the material is ready for pickup. After the message is sent, the status of the item is updated to Message sent.

Process ILL request via Options menu 

If the requested item is still in A - Active status, the request can also be linked via Hold request > Options menu.

  1. View new requests and find the request to be processed.
  2. Double click on the title. The Hold request screen opens.
  3. Go to Options > Link ILL item to request. The Link request to ILL item screen opens.
  4. Proceed with the steps to Process ILL requests.

Check out and finish processing the request 

After an item has been linked, the status is changed to T - Transport. If necessary, the item can now be transported to the branch for pick up.

The item should now follow the same process as the regular hold requests. Check in the item.

  • The item status changes to O - Received and a notification is sent to the customer.
  • Once the message is sent, the item status changes to B - Message sent and a notification appears on the screen that the item must be placed on the hold request shelf.
  • If there are costs for the request, they are added to the customer's account.
  • Once the customer borrows the item, the temporary item is closed out


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