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Create and manage changing collections

All changing collections are assigned a unique collection code. By indicating the changing collection code in an item record, the item is included in the related collection. Only staff branches have access to the functions required to perform this process.

 Note: Collections should be created when logged in to a Staff branch, not an Acquisitions branch. Acquisitions does not have shelves and will never hold the collection.

Create a collection

To create a new collection:

  1. Go to Items > Changing collection. The Collections window.
  2. Click New collection. A New collection for... window opens.
  3. Provide information about the new collection:
    1. Select a Subject from the drop-down list.
    2. The Serial number field will be automatically populated by Wise.
    3. Select a collection Type.
    4. Click OK. The collection is added to the list on the Collections screen and the Collections detail screen opens. This screen may open behind the Collections screen.

The collection appears on the Collections screen.

Add items to a collection 

Items are added to a collection via the Collection details screen.

 Note:  Discarded items cannot be added to a collection.

  1. Go to Items > Changing collections. The Collection window opens.
  2. Use the filters at the bottom of the screen to locate the collection to which you want to add items.
  3. Select the collection line, right-click and select Details of this collection. The Collection details window opens.
  4. Click Add. A plus sign (+) appears next to the barcode field.
  5. Scan the barcode of the item you want to add to the collection.  The item appears in the collection list on the right side of the screen. 

     Note: If an item is added that is already included in a collection, a message appears to confirm whether or not to include the item in the collection.

  6. (Optional) Scan additional barcodes to add more items to the collection.
  7. Click Save.

Items display in the right panel of the Collection details screen. The following information is included about the items: 

Column Description
Barcode The item's barcode
Branch The branch to which the item has been relocated
Title The author and title of the item
Status Current item status
Blocked If the item is blocked, it displays here. For more information, see Block collection.
C If the item has been checked, it displays here. For more information, see Check the collection.
Customer The customer_id of the customer currently borrowing the item
Container The container in which the item is located
Moving date The item's transfer date

 Note: Items that are newly added receive item status K when they arrive at the branch that manages the collection. 

Remove items from a collection 

Items can only be removed from a collection if items are checked in to the owning branch. If you attempt to remove an item that is not checked in, an error message appears. Items are removed from a collection via the Collection details screen.

  1. Click Remove item. A minus (-) sign appears next to the barcode field.
  2. Scan the barcode of the item you want to remove from the collection. The item is removed from the collection list on the right side of the screen.
  3. (Optional) Scan additional barcodes to remove items from the collection.
  4. Click Save.

Report collection items as missing 

To report a collection item as missing, from the Collection details screen:

  1. Right-click on the item in the right side of the screen.
  2. Select Missing. A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click Yes. The item remains in the collection, but the item status changes to M.

Move an item to another collection 

An item does not need to be removed from its current collection in order to be moved to a different collection. Follow the same steps to add an item to a collection. A confirmation message will appear to notify you that the item is part of another collection. Click Yes. The item is removed from the original collection and included in the new one.

Check in items via the collection detail screen 

Items can be checked in from the Collections detail screen.

  1. Click Check in. A bar (|) appears next to the barcode field.
  2. Scan the barcode(s) of the item(s) you want to check in.

Check the collection 

Use the Check function to confirm that the collection is complete.

  1. Click Check. The letter C appears next to the barcode field.
  2. Scan the barcodes of the items in the collection. The word OK will appear in the C column if the item is part of the collection. If an item that is not part of the collection is scanned, a notification window appears to notify you that it is not part of the collection.



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