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Newsletter reports

Learn how to generate reports about newsletter performance in the Wise staff client and in the configuration manager.

There are several ways to track the impact of newsletters on customers in the Wise system.

Results screen 

Wise creates a results report for each newsletter sent. This function provides a count of the number of newsletters sent and how many times the newsletter is opened. 

 Note: Views are counted based on how often the header image of the newsletter is accessed. Customers who have images turned off in their email program will not access the image, which means they will not be counted.

View newsletter results 

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Newsletter > Newsletters. The Newsletters window opens.
  2. Click on the newsletter for which you want to view results.
  3. Click Result at the bottom of the window. A selection window opens.
  4. Select the Count that you want to see from the drop-down list:
    • Newsletters - generates a count of the newsletters sent and how many were opened
    • Link click - generates a count of links included in the newsletter and how many were clicked
  5. Click OK. Another selection window opens.
  6. Select the Type that you want to see from the drop-down list:
    • Graph - generates a graphical view of the count
    • Totals - generates a list view of the count
  7. Click OK. The count information appears in a new window.

Graph view 


When newsletter counts are generated in a graph, the system displays a series of columns. The first column (blue) shows the total number of newsletters sent. The other column(s) (green) show the number of opened newsletters. Each column represents the number of times a newsletter was opened. Each column is labeled at the top with the number and at the bottom, with the number of times an individual newsletter was opened.

Link click 

When link click counts are generated in a graph, the system displays a series of columns. The first column (blue) shows the total number of link clicks are tracked in the newsletter. The other column(s) (green) show the total number of clicks for each link. Below the green columns, the link code is displayed and a key to those codes appears in the upper right corner of the screen.

Query browser 

There are several ways to query the system for newsletter results. Use the following queries to see newsletter results:

select * from messages where kind = 'BKA';
select * from messages where kind = 'BSA';
select * from messages where type = 'BSM';
select * from messages where kind = 'BKM';


The messages that still need to be sent display with the status '0'

Sent messages appear with status B.

Sent messages are stored in the folder home/bxmas/messages, and sent messages are stored in folders based on their branch. Sent messages are saved for two weeks. The Fri/Mon/Tue folders contain messages from the previous week. To determine which message relates to the query results, look at the file name, the bericht_job shares the same number as the newsletter file name.


Once a newsletter is created, a report is generated in the Dashboard in the Wise configuration manager. If you are authorized to access the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Dashboard and select the Reports tab. Click Report next to the newsletter report you want to view. Newsletter reports apepear as "bericht_inlever_verzamel_<date>". The report displays the number of viewed and canceled newsletters, and the number of undeliverable messages per location.

Message number 

Message numbers are used to capture undelivered messages. The message number is labeled with the x-tag "Message ID" so that the email bouncer can find and recognize the messages. The message number must be included in the message. The message number can be included in the following ways:

  • In the subject line
    The message number can be inserted in the subject line of a newsletter in brackets [ ]. This prevents email services from grouping messages into a single conversation so that new messages appear separately. 

     Note: Some mail programs cannot handle a number in the subject line. If you select this method, the option mailer.berichtNummer=true must be added to the /etc/bwise/bxmas/ file. A message number is set per system. For the bouncer the message number is present in the X-tag.

  • In the footer
    All messages sent from Wise include the message number in the footer. Newsletter numbers always begin with the letter N. In the staff client, you can search for customers who received a specific newsletter by entering the message number in the Message number field.

View newsletters sent to a specific customer 

In the Customer administration screen of the staff client, you can see which newsletters a customer has been sent. 

  1. In the staff client, search for a customer.
  2. In the Customer administration screen, go to Customer > Customer correspondence > Newsletters. A table of all newsletters sent to the customer displays.
  3. Double click on a newsletter line to see which text items the newsletter contained. The newsletter cannot be opened from this screen.

Create newsletter selections 

Two headings in Statistics and selections can be leveraged to create newsletter queries. These selections allow you to find customers if they have opened a newsletter or clicked on a link. Use the following search selections:

  • Set type: Customers
  • Selection lines
    • Category type: K - Customers
    • Category - ALGE
  • Category Selects
    Newsletter opened

    (the number of) customers that have opened a newsletter for the first time (and where the non-embedded content is shown).

    Link followed (the number of) customers who clicked on the specified link. Note: a customer can click 10 times but it remains one customer. Only the clicks from the final shipment are counted. Note: trial shipments are not taken into consideration!
  • Value: Select the newsletter or link from the drop-down list


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