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Settings related to periodical subscriptions are defined within the Wise configuration manager at Periodicals.

Periodicals management handles periodical subscriptions in your library's catalog. The system tracks receipt of issues and creates a report of issues that do not arrive within a specified time period. Each periodical receives its own title in your catalog. For each title, subscriptions are created for branches where the title is held.

The system relies on a 'mother title' to manage subscriptions. It is recommended that the call sign of the mother title appears in the title description. The mother title is typically used for administrative purposes, to manage the subscriptions, but in some cases physical items must also be linked to this title. Subscription information, including publication frequency, is included in the title description in the subscription administration line.

Subscription items can be linked to their titles the following ways:

  • Each year, a new title is created for the periodical and issues for that year are linked to the relevant title
  • If there are few issues and subscriptions associated with the title, they can be linked to the single mother title used to administer the periodical

 Note: It is recommended to link issues/items to a yearly title unless there are few subscriptions per title and few issues per subscription. When a title has more than 1,000 items attached, it becomes difficult to process.

For information about managing periodicals in the staff client, see Manage periodicals.


  • Periodicals
    Learn how to define settings related to Periodicals in the Wise configuration manager.



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