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OCLC Wise Support EN

Addresses configuration

Learn how to configure addresses within the Wise configuration manager.


Addresses and contact information can be included in the Wise system for the purpose of specific functions and roles. Addresses are added in the Wise configuration manager in Management Organizations > Addresses.

(ROLBST) Bus stops/Service points 

This table contains address information for bus stops and service points, when Delivery processes are configured. 

Add a new bus stop/service point address

To add a new bus stop/service point address: 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to Management Organizations > Addresses > (ROLBST) Bus stops/Service points.
  2. Click New at the top of the screen. The Addresses screen opens.
  3. Populate the (ROLBST) Bus stops/service points fields
  4. Click Ok to save.

 Note: In order to remove a bus service point address, you must first remove it from the delivery process table.

(ROLBST) Bus stops/service points fields

Field Description

Bus Stop/delivery process service point

The delivery process code, maximum of 4 characters. Delivery process codes are created in the Wise configuration manager at Holds and ILL > Delivery processes


Name of the delivery process. This field will be automatically populated if a delivery process code is attached to the Bus Stop/delivery method service point field.

This information will be printed on the receipt


Street number 

Zip code


The address of the delivery and collection branch. If provided, this information will be printed on the receipt. 

Contact person The name of the person/branch managing the delivery process. If provided, this information will be printed on the receipt.
Telephone number The phone number of the person/branch managing the delivery process. If provided, this information will be printed on the receipt.

Email address

The email address of the person/branch managing the delivery process. If provided, this information will be printed on the receipt.

Website The website of the branch managing the delivery process. If provided, this information will be printed on the receipt

(ROLLEVR) Supplying systems 

This table is not currently in use.

(ROLEXTR) Supplying branch/library 

Items may belong to a specific branch within a supplying library system. If your library returns items to specific branches, addresses for those locations are added to your addresses.

When returning a borrowed item to the delivering branch, Wise can create a return receipt with the address information provided in this section.

Add a new supplying branch 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to Management Organizations > Addresses > (ROLEXTR) Supplying branch/library
  2. Click New at the top of the screen. The Addresses screen opens.
  3. Provide branch and contact information.
  4. Click Ok to save.

Central vendor table 

Supplier information is added and maintained in the Wise configuration manager. If you have more than one account with a vendor, those accounts must be added to the Central vendor table. 

 Note: If your library uses EDI and has more than one account per vendor (excluding Baker & Taylor), the vendor must send three NAD segments.

Add a Central vendor

  1. Sign into Wise configuration manager and navigate to Management organizations > Addresses > Central vendors table.
  2. Click New at the top of the screen.
  3. Provide information for the following fields:
Field name Description

A 6 digit identification number for the supplier. By choosing the first digit of the code manually, you can create groups of suppliers.

It is recommended to add space between numbers so you can add additional accounts for the same vendor. This allows them to appear together in the drop-down lists and on the screen. For example, start with 000010 for your first vendor, and then use 000020 for the next one. If you have multiple accounts with the vendor who has code 000010, you can create additional records using 000011, 000012, 000013, etc.

 Note: Do not use 000001 and 000032. These codes are reserved for other processes within Wise. 

Short name - Wise client Required. The identifier displayed in the Client. Limit 50 characters.
Name Required. Name, as preferred with addressing.
Customer-ID The username associated with the vendor. This is required for the automatic upload of order files. 
Currency Currency used by the vendor.

Vendor type, can be used for data processing.

 Note: Select GENERIC - General, unless a special code has been created for the vendor you are adding. In that case, the vendor name will appear in the drop-down list.

VAT number Not for use in US libraries.
Sort as Not for use in US libraries.
Customer ID Optional, for reference purposes only.
Discount percentage Optional, for reference purposes only.
Items Optional, for reference purposes only. Indicates whether items are ordered from the vendor.
Binding Optional, for reference purposes only. Select a binding method from the drop-down list.
Magazines Check this box if the vendor provides periodicals.
Hide Check this box to hide the vendor from selection in the staff client.
Contact information

Enter the vendor's contact information:

  • Street number
  • Street
  • Address line 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip code
  • Contact person
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Website
  • FTP Host Address
  • FTP Host Username
  • FTP Host Password
  • FTP Host Order Directory
  • FTP Host Invoice Directory
  • Vendor's OCLC symbol
API information

Enter the vendor's API information to allow the automatic upload of order files:

  • Order upload API URL
  • Order upload API ID
  • Order upload API key
  1. Click Ok to save the supplier information.

Vendors by institution 

Vendors by institution displays vendors that have been added to your system. After a vendor is added to the Central vendor table, it is added to your library organization in this table. This allows you to configure library organization-specific information for vendors such as discounts, contacts, etc. 

To add a vendor to your institution:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Addresses > Vendors by institution.
  2. Click Open next to your institution name.
  3. Click Get vendor at the top of the screen.
  4. Select the vendor you want to add from the Vendor drop-down list.
  5. Click OK. The vendor is added to your institution.

To add institution details to a vendor:

  1. On the Vendors by institution screen, click Detail next to the vendor you want to edit. The Vendors by institution window opens.
  2. Enter institution-specific information. Details added in the Central vendor table cannot be edited, only local information can be entered.
    Field Description
    EDI Vendor ID EDI vendor ID number
    EDI Vendor ID Type Select a type from the drop-down list.
    EDI Sender ID Enter your library's EDI sender ID.
    EDI Sender ID Type Select a type from the drop-down list.
    EDI Vendor Account Number Enter the EDI vendor account number. 
    Sender Enriched EDI Check this box if your library uses enriched EDI for this vendor.
  3. Click OK to save.

 Note: If the vendor supports secure file transfer protocol (SFTP), this can be configured on the Vendors by institution screen. To enable secure file transfers, click Change to make edits to the vendor settings. Check the SFTP Enabled box and click OK to save changes.

Copy, change, or remove an address 

All of the locations added to Addresses can be edited. To copy or change a location:

  1. Go to the address you want to edit.
  2. Click Detail next to the Name. The address screen appears.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, select the action you want to perform: CopyChange or Remove.
  4. Click OK.
    1. If you selected Copy, a confirmation message appears. Click OK and a copy will be added to the list. The copied address appears at the end of the list. You will need to click Detail next to the new value and then Change it, if needed.
    2. If you selected Change, you will be able to make changes to the editable fields. Once your changes are complete, click OK again to save.
    3. If you selected Remove, a confirmation appears. Click OK to remove. The address is deleted.


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