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Debt collection configuration

Learn how to configure debt collection with an external vendor such as Unique.

Debt collection through Unique Management Services can be configured within Wise. Debt collection configuration is located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Finance > Booking codes > Debt collection configuration

 Note: To use debt collection services, OCLC must be contacted to enable connection on the server. Contact OCLC Support for assistance. 

Enable the EXTDEBC system option 

To use debt collection, the EXTDEBC system option must first be enabled at both the 0000 and IXXX (Institution) levels. To enable the system option: 

  1. Navigate to systemWise > systemWise > System options.
  2. Within the list of System options, select EXTDEBC (Third-party debt collector available in system) and click Detail. 
  3. Change the On option to Yes.
  4. From the Branch drop-down menu, select 0000 AND IXXX.
  5. Click OK to save. 

Configure debt collection 

After the EXTDEBC system option is enabled, the Debt collection configuration option will appear. To configure debt collection configuration:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Finance > Booking codes > Debt collection configuration.
  2. Click New. 
  3. Populate the following fields: 
    Field Details
    Library The library system associated with the debt collection configuration
    Debt collector The debt collector's ID for this configuration. 
    Description A description of the configuration.
    Time for payment The number of calendar days between when a customer passes the upper threshold and when they will be referred to collections.
    Upper threshold If the outstanding fine total passes this amount, the customer is referred to collections. 
    Lower threshold If the outstanding fine total drops below this amount, the collections referral is canceled. 
    Booking code The booking code associated with the referral amount. 
    Amount Referral amount.
    Cancel referral on agreement If set, the referral will be canceled once a payment agreement has been reached. 
  4. Click Save. 

Update Subscription definitions 

To use an external debt collection agency, the Subscription definition must be configured. When determining who to send to collections, Wise will reference the Collections agent process and Collections agent process for overdue materials billings fields for one of two values: 00 - NO or <empty>.  If set to 00 - NO, the customer will not be sent to collections. If <empty> is configured, customers will be sent to collections. By default, these fields are set to <empty>.

 Note: Collection agent process fields can only be configured at the subscription level rather than in individual customer accounts.

To prevent a subscription from being sent to collections:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Products and services > Subscriptions > Subscription settings > Subscription definitions.
  2. Open the appropriate organization, and click Detail to open the subscription definition which should not be sent to collections.
  3. Populate the following fields:
    • Collections agent process: Select 00 - NO from the drop-down menu
    • Collections agent process for overdue materials billings: Select 00 - NO from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click OK to save. 


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