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OCLC Wise Support EN

Portal notifications per subscription

A display message that appears in the OPAC per membership type is defined in the Wise configuration manager at Portal notifications per membership.

In Portal notifications per subscription, you can configure a display notification to appear in the customer web portal when a customer signs in to My Account. The message displays in the upper right-hand corner of the web portal.

The notifications must be configured for each instance and can be unique to each subscription and for each branch. 

To create a new customer notification:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customers > Portal notifications per subscription. The Customer notification window opens.
  2. Enter Customer notification information:
Field Description
Sector The sector to which the notification applies (select BIEB)
Organization The library organization to which the notification applies
Start date
End date
The start and end dates for when the notification will appear in the portal

The text of the notification. Example text might include:

  • No fines on May 18
  • Summer reading program begins June 1
Priority Messages are displayed in order of priority, based on the number assigned here. 000-999
Minimum age
Maximum age
The minimum or maximum age of the customer to receive the message
Do select subscription
If the notification is intended for a specific subscription type, enter the subscription code(s) here. Use a tilde (~) to separate multiple subscription codes.
Do not select subscription If the notification excludes any subscription types, enter the subscription code(s) here. Use a tilde (~) to separate multiple subscription codes.
Do select branch If the notification is intended for customers at a specific branch, enter the branch code(s) here. Use a tilde (~) to separate multiple branch codes.
Do not select branch If the notification excludes any branches, enter the branch code(s) here. Use a tilde (~) to separate multiple branch codes.

Portal notifications vs. customer notifications 

Portal notifications should not be confused with other customer notifications. Under Customers > System tables > (TABLML) Customer notifications table can be configured. This table contains frequently used texts sent to individual customers.


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