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Learn how to define settings related to personal recommendations in the web catalog.

(TABRCM) Recommendation media type conversion

The (TABRCM) Recommendation media type conversion table is used to define the media types supported for Personal recommendations that appear in the web catalog. This ensures that if a recommendation is being made based on a book, the recommended titles are also books. Likewise, if a recommendation is being made based on a DVD, recommended titles could include DVD, Blu-ray and video, based on the configuration of this table.

To create a conversion:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Catalog > Products > Recommendations > (TABRCM) Recommendation media type conversion.
  2. Click New. The Recommendation media type conversion window opens.
  3. Enter conversion details:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the table (RCM).
    Code A unique 7-character code. It is recommended that you use the material type code for the main material type represented in the group (for example, BOO for books). Use the codes represented in your (MDT) Media type table.
    Description Text description of the group.
    Search type

    The media type code(s) included in the conversion group.

  4. Click OK to save.

(RCO) Settings for Recommendations 

Configuration of the (RCO) Settings for Recommendations table is used to create rules for the groups created in the (TABRCM) Conversion material type table. These settings are created at the system level and then configured for each location.

To add a new recommendation rule:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Catalog > Products > Recommendations > (RCO) Settings for Recommendations.
  2. Click Open next to you library system. A list of the branches of the library appears.
  3. Click Open next to the branch or location for which you want to edit recommendation settings.
  4. Select the System tab.
  5. Click New. The Settings for Recommendations window opens.
  6. Enter settings information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (RCO).
    Branch Automatically filled by the table with the selected branch information.
    Code The code from the (TABRCM) table for which this rule applies.
    Description A description of the rule, as it will appear in the web catalog. Limit 30 characters.
    Select Fiction Select Yes if this group should include fiction titles.
    Select Non-fiction Select Yes if this group should include non-fiction titles.
    Min. number of loans per title Enter the minimum number of loans for the title (2-99). This is how often the title has been borrowed in the past 12 months.
    Do NOT include these material types Enter the material type code for item types to exclude from the group.
    DO include these languages Enter the language code for item types to include in the group. ENG is selected by default.
  1. Click OK to save. 


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