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OCLC Wise Support EN

Register acquisitions on budget

Learn how to register acquisitions on your budget in the Wise staff client.

When acquisition expenses are not captured in the system through order administration or by linking items to an invoice, they can be added via the Register aquisitions on budget function.

 Note: Budgets can be opened, closed, and updated in the Wise configuration manager at Budget entries.

Register acquisitions on budget screen

To register amounts on a budget:

  1. Go to Titles > Budgets > Register acquisitions on budget.  The Register acquisitions on budget window opens.
  2. Enter invoice details:
    1. Select a Vendor from the drop-down list.
    2. Enter an Invoice ID. If no invoice ID is available, enter a unique number of your choice (e.g., yyyymmdd+2-digit initials). Limit 10 characters.
    3. The Invoice date is automatically filled with the current date, if this is not the correct date, manually update the field.
  3. Click Fill in lines.
  4. Add line items for the invoice.
    1. Select the purchasing branch from the Branch drop-down list.
    2. Select the budget that the lines will be added to from the Budget drop-down list.
    3. Enter the amount, in dollars and cents in the Amount field.
    4. (Optional) Provide a Description of the line.
  5. Click Add this line.
  6. (Optional) Repeat step 4 to add additional lines to the budget.
  7. Click Save invoice. The entered amounts will be visible on the budget overviews as ordered as soon as the payment status is updated in Order administration as entered.


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