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OCLC Wise Support EN

Periodicals overviews

Learn how to view reports related to periodicals in Wise.

Wise can generate a number of overviews to help with periodicals management. These overviews are found in Titles > Subscription Management > Overviews

Alert list for periodicals not received

The Alert list for periodicals not received overview displays a list of titles for which an issue is expected but has not yet been delivered. This list can be used so that the library can contact the supplier to find missing issues.

  1. Go to Titles > Subscription management > Overviews > Alert list for periodicals not received. The Alert list for periodicals not received window opens.
  2. Select Vendor(s) from the drop-down list. Use ctrl+click to select multiple vendors from the list. Up to 50 vendors can be selected per overview.
  3. Click Create report. A report is generated and opens in your web browser.

Titles with frequency codes that are excluded in the (TABFRE) Frequency - periodicals table within the Wise configuration manager are not included. In the frequency table, the number of days after which the next issue should come in is filled in for the other publication frequency. If that date has not yet arrived, the subscription is included on the list.

Subscriptions with the status 9 - Unregistered are not included. Subscriptions with the status 8 - Canceled are included.

Recall letter outstanding periodicals 

Use Recall letter outstanding periodicals to create a report of the issues that have not been received but should have come. With this report, you can also generate a recall letter.

 Note: The message type HT0 must be configured to generate a recall letter. 

  1. Go to Titles > Subscription management > Overviews > Recall letter outstanding periodicals. The Recall letter for periodicals not received window opens.
  2. Select Instance from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the Number of days late.
  4. Click Agree. A report is generated and opens in your web browser.
  5. To print the generated recall letter(s):
    1. Go to Notifications > Print notifications. The Print messages screen will display a list of letters created from this action.
    2. Check the PDF box next to the lines you want to print to convert the messages to PDF format.
    3. Click Show as PDF at the bottom of the screen. After the letters are printed, the status of the letters will change from Queued to Done.


Not for use in US libraries. 



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