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OCLC Wise Support EN

Link via ASN

Learn how to quickly receive and link items using ASN.

Advanced Shipment Notification (ASN) is an EDI transaction option. ASN allows library staff to quickly receive a shipment of materials by scanning a barcode on the shipment box. 

Shipments can be received and linked via ASN in the Wise client at Items > Link via ASN.

 Note: If you are setting up ASN receiving with Wise for the first time or if you would like to use ASN with a new vendor, contact OCLC Support for assistance with configuration.

Link via ASN screen

After scanning a packing slip, the vendor name appears on the screen and the package contents information is populated. The number of items in the package appears at the bottom of the screen.

See the screenshot below for an example.

Link via ASN screen

Package contents fields

The package contents fields are populated after scanning the packing slip. The order of each column can be adjusted by clicking the column header. 

Field Description
Branch The owning branch of the item. 
Item barcode

The barcode of the item can be typed or scanned into this field. If scanning the item, the cursor will automatically move to the next row after it has been scanned. If typing, press enter to move to the next row. 

If a valid, unused barcode is entered into the row, a green checkmark (asn_green_x.jpg) will appear. If the barcode is already in use or is invalid, a red X (asn_red_x.jpg) appears.

Title The title associated with the item.
Identifier The ISBN associated with the item. 
Link comments If there is a link comment associated with the order, it will appear in this column.

Receive & link

To receive and link an item:

  1. Navigate to Items > Link via ASN
  2. Scan or type the packing slip barcode into the Scan packing slip field. The items appear in the Package contents fields below. 
  3. Scan or type the item barcode into the Item barcode field for each item that you would like to receive. 
  4. Click Receive & Link to receive and link the items. Click Cancel to exit the screen without receiving and linking the items. 


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