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OCLC Wise Support EN

Link with an invoice

Learn how to link items with an invoice to the Wise staff catalog.

This is the recommended workflow for linking in Wise. 

This linking workflow requires an invoice to be part of Wise. The invoice must be uploaded into Wise before this option will function appropriately (i.e. import .edi invoice from Vendor) OR can utilize the invoice automatically created by Wise via Order Requests. If an invoice is imported, Wise will change the status of items with a an on-order status to T - Transit, substatus A. Once linked, status will change to T - Transit, substatus N.

Link with an invoice

To link an item with an invoice:

  1. Go to Items > Link. The Linking screen appears (or locate Title record to link items and select Link icon).
  2. Select box Link with Invoice from the Linking selection at the top of the screen. 
  3. Select the Vendor from the drop-down list

     Note: If selecting items, link the Vendor must be selected before the ISBN is scannedor the title is selected from the Catalog.

  4. Provide available information in the link fields on the Linking screen. The following fields must be completed when linking an invoice:
    • Invoice ID
    • Invoice price (double click in price to have it carryover from invoice)
    • Vendor
    • Order ID
    • Budget

       Note: Select print Transport receipt, Spine label, or Barcode box(s) if needed.

  5. Scan barcode or have Wise autgenerate barcode.
  6. Click Link this item. If your linking method generates a new barcode, it is generated in the barcode field. A print screen appears.
  7. Select a print option from the list and click Print. If you do not wish to print, click Close.

 Caution:  Quick link option is available but will only hold limited item details.

Link multiple copies of the same title

If multiple copies of a title are ordered for different branches using institution ordering, they are processed and routed to the correct branch when the items are linked.

When step 7 above is completed, an Institution order window opens.

Watch a video

Run time: 4:31

This video will show how to link Items with an invoice in the Wise Staff Client.



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