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OCLC Wise Support EN

Sorted items

Learn how to generate a report of items with the status of D - Sorted item.

The Sorted items overview provides an overview of items with the status D - Sorted item. These are items that were returned by a customer to an automated return system and have not been processed by library staff.

To create this overview:

  1. Go to Items > Overviews > Sorted items overview. The Sorted items overview screen opens.
  2. Provide overview information. Required fields are marked with an (*) asterisk.
    Field Description
    Branches Choose the branch for which the report will be created. It is not possible to select multiple branches for this overview.

    Available since

    This field is included in the window but is not required for the report.

    Date received (up to and including)

    Enter the desired start and end dates.
    SCAT from list Select a SCAT from the available list. The list can be sorted by code or description order or can be filtered using the search field at the bottom of the window.
    or SCAT entry Enter the desired SCAT entry

    Select a shelf from the available list. The list can be sorted by code or description order or can be filtered using the search field at the bottom of the window.


    Select a method for sorting the results:

    • 1 - walking route
    • 2 - shelf code
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in a new browser window.

The report displays the items that are in sorting status at the selected branch. The following information is included in the report:

  • Author
  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Label
  • Location
  • Shelf
  • Receipt
  • Check-in
  • Counters




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