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OCLC Wise Support EN

Import customer document

Learn how to upload and attach documents to a customer account in the Wise staff client.

Documents can be digitally archived and attached to a customer's account. These might include letters from the customer, identification, forms, or authorizations.

Import a document 

Documents and authorizations can be attached to a customer account.

  1. Go to Customers > Import data > Import customer document. The Upload customer document window opens.
  2. Select a Source choice:
    Option Description
    Scan page

    Use a configured scanner to scan a new document.

    1. Click Scan page. A confirmation message appears.
    2. If you have connected a flatbed scanner, click Yes.
    3. Enter a scan code and click Check. The customer for whom the authorization with this scan code is now retrieved. The collection data is displayed for verification.
    4. Click OK. The document is saved.

    Select file


    Use select file to attach a file that is already stored on your hard drive.

    1. Click Select file. The Open window opens.
    2. Browse to and select the file you want to attach.
    3. Click Open. The name of the file now displays on the button that previously said Select file.
    4. Click Search customer.
    5. Search for and select the customer account you to which you want to attach the file. A Make a choice... window appears.
    6. Select the type of document you are uploading from the list and click OK.
    7. Click Save.
    No upload

    Creates an authorization without an attached document (this can be used for debt authorization, reading disability forms, and other forms of authorization.)

    1. Click No upload. The field Document scan code and the Search customer button appear.
    2. Enter a scan code or click Search customer.
      • If Search customer is selected, search for and select the customer account you wish to add an authorization for and click OK.
    3. Select a Document type from the list and click OK.
    4. Click Save. A confirmation message appears.
    5. Click OK. An authorization is now noted on the customer account.

View customer documents and authorizations  

  1. Search for and open the customer account with documents/authorizations attached.
  2. Go to Customer > Customer correspondence > Documents. The View customer documents screen appears, all attached documents and authorizations appear in this screen.

For more information, see Documents.


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