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Create a newsletter

Learn how to create and send library newsletters in the Wise staff client.

Once text items are created, they can be compiled into a newsletter. Newsletters can be composed via:

  • Staff client > Branch management Newsletter > Newsletters
  • Staff client > Newsletter > Newsletter text > Compile

Both options open the Newsletters screen.

Newsletters screen 

Newsletters screen

The Newsletters screen displays all newsletters that have been created. This information includes:

  • Type
  • Network
  • Description
  • Created (date)
  • Sent on (date)
  • Type
  • Newsletter group

Check the box at the bottom of the screen to Also show older sent items (older than 2 months).

Options at the bottom of the screen allow you to:

Button Description
New Create a new newsletter.
Edit Edit the selected newsletter.
Copy Copy the selected newsletter.
Filter Enter a filter term to filter the list of text items displayed (not case sensitive, the filter searches both title and content)
Delete Delete the selected newsletter.
Send Send newsletters.
Result View a report of how many newsletters were sent/viewed.
Quit Close the Newsletter screen.

Create a compiled newsletter 

A compiled newsletter is composed of multiple text items. To create this kind of newsletter:

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Newsletter > Newsletters to open the Newsletters screen.
  2. Click New at the bottom of the screen. A selection window opens.
  3. Select Compiled from the drop-down list and click OK. A Newsletter window opens.
  4. Enter information about the newsletter:
    Field Description
    Type of newsletter Automatically filled as Composed. This cannot be changed.
    Newsletter group Select which customer group this newsletter is intended for from the drop-down list.

    Enter a description of the newsletter. The description is included in the subject line of the message and acts as the main title of the newsletter.

    If this field is left blank, default text from Wise displays.

    Topic Optional, the text entered here displays as the subtitle of the newsletter.
    Volume/serial # Optional, displays in the upper right corner of the newsletter. Could be used to display the season or date of the newsletter (September 2019).
    Created Date on which the newsletter was created. This is automatically provided by the system and cannot be edited.
    Newsletter type Acts as a filter to link text items and newsletters. Newsletter types must be created in the Wise configuration manager, in systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter types.
    Email address sender A newsletter can be sent on behalf of the email address entered in this field (this could be a library branch or department). Select an email address from the drop-down list.
    Own header image

    Select Yes to select an image for this newsletter. An Open widow opens. Browse to the desired image file and click Open. Select No to use the default header image.


    • The image file extension must be saved in uppercase letters (e.g., .PNG not .png) for the file to upload.
    • The header must be 700px wide, there is no height restriction. The header must be formatted before it is selected for the newsletter, there is no option to crop the header upon selection.
  5. Click OK to save. You remain on the Newsletter screen, now the Choose button is active.
    1. If you selected Yes for Own header image, a preview image will display. Click OK to confirm the image, or click Cancel to return to the Newsletter screen.
  6. Click Choose to select text items to add the newsletter. The Newsletter items window opens.
  7. Select the text items you wish to include in the newsletter. 
    • Use ctrl+click to select multiple items
    • Use shift+click to select multiple items at once
    • Use ctrl+A to select all of the items in the list
  8. Click OK. The items are added to the newsletter.
  9. (Optional) Change the order of the text items.
    1. Right-click on a text item.
    2. Select Up or Down to move the item up or down in the list.
  10. (Optional) Right-click on a text item and select View item to view and/or make changes to the text item.
  11. (Optional) Right-click on a text item and select Remove to remove an item from the list.
  12. Click Save. The newsletter is saved.
  13. Click Quit to close the window.

Create a ready-made newsletter 

A ready-made newsletter is an email message with the content attached as a .html or .pdf file. When you use a ready-made newsletter format, you do not need to create text items. The email file is created and stored where the customer can access it and linked to an email message. To create a ready-made newsletter:

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Newsletters. The Newsletters window opens.
  2. Click New. A selection window opens.
  3. Select Ready-made from the drop-down list and click OK. A Newsletter window opens.
  4. Enter information about the newsletter:
    Field Description
    Type of newsletter Automatically filled as Ready-made. This cannot be changed.
    Newsletter group Select which customer group this newsletter is intended for from the drop-down list.
    Network Select I000 from the drop-down menu. 

    Enter a description of the newsletter. The description is included in the subject line of the message and acts as the main title of the newsletter.

    If this field is left blank, default text from Wise displays.

    Topic Optional, the text entered here displays as the subtitle of the newsletter.
    Volume/serial # Optional, displays in the upper right corner of the newsletter. Could be used to display the season or date of the newsletter (September 2019).
    Created Date on which the newsletter was created. This is automatically provided by the system and cannot be edited.
    Newsletter type Acts as a filter to link text items and newsletters. Newsletter types must be created in the Wise configuration manager, in systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter types.
    File Click Choose to select the newsletter file to attach to the message. File names must not contain spaces. To prevent errors, spaces in the filename are automatically changed to underscores (_) when a file is selected.
    See attached text The text entered here will appear in the email message. This is not the text of the newsletter and ma indicate "You will receive another newsletter from your library...". Do not include a salutation with this text, as salutations will be automatically added by the system. If no text is entered in this field, the default message will state "see attachment". This comment is hard-coded and cannot be changed.
    Email address sender A newsletter can be sent on behalf of the email address entered in this field (this could be a library branch or department). Select an email address from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Save to save the newsletter. You are returned to the Newsletter window, two new fields appear on the screen: Sent and Sent on. The Send field will be automatically filled by the system when the newsletter is sent. The Sent on field will be filled if a delayed send date is selected during the send process.
  6. Click Quit to close the Newsletter window.

Watch a video

Newsletters in Wise

Run time: 16:57

This video offers an overview of how newsletters can be created and managed in Wise. Also, how newsletters created outside of Wise can be added into the system to be sent to customers and be part of reports.




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