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OCLC Wise Support EN

2024 Weekly updates

Find weekly updates and bug fixes from 2024.

Current updates

The following is a list of recent updates and bug fixes. For more information, contact OCLC Support

 Note:  Weekly updates will be present in Wise Test instances on the Wednesday of the week indicated below, and in Production the following Monday.


Module/area affected Issue/update Details Week of update
Manager > Calendar Occasionally, calendars were generated until December 9999. An additional condition has been added so that no more than 5 years (60 months) are added to the calendars. 12/9/2024
Client > Order administration In the order administration, in some instances, no invoices can be seen under the 'processed invoices' tab. The issue has been resolved by increasing a timeout value, which means that the processed invoices can be viewed again. 12/9/2024
Client > Customer administration > Report title previously borrowed When role_subscription was examined, the first branch result was accepted. This was not always the branch where the loan takes place. First, the branch where the loan is made is reviewed. Then, if necessary, the other branches are reviewed. 12/2/2024
Client > PDF bills Total amounts above $1000 were shown with a hash sign before the thousands in the invoice forms. This issue has been resolved. Amounts are now displayed the same as in the mail variant. 12/2/2024
REST-API The endpoint /title/changed only returned title numbers if there was at least 1 non-depreciated copy for a title. The endpoint now also returns titles for which copies have been written off or reported missing in the last 40 days. 11/25/2024
Customer barcodes Previously, only digits (0-9) were permitted when creating/entering a new customer barcode. Digits (0-9) and alphabetics (A-Z) are now permitted when creating/entering a new customer barcode. 11/25/2024
Console – Printing receipts In some situations, receipts would not print and would give an error and message, "Failed to print receipt. Try again in a few minutes". Processing was adjusted to handle a patron that had only a single name (lastname) and no comma in the name field. 11/25/2024
Client > Printers Following the Java 21 update, diacritics and other symbols were not displayed correctly on receipts.
(Only libraries running Java 21 will have seen this issue.)
A parameter was added to the startup procedure for proper encoding in versions newer than Java 11. 11/18/2024
Manager > Dashboard > bcbjob There are no / very few copy actions written. In the dashboard an error is displayed: ''message text'' cannot be empty. The bcbjob now also processes items when the message text is empty. Processing continues as expected. 11/18/2024
Console > Check in, Console > Check out On these screens, only an item’s call number was displayed in the field labeled Notes. The system now displays the item’s call number and shelf location. The field has been renamed to Location. 11/18/2024
Console The Console sandbox no longer displays the preview banner in production test instances. A preview banner now appears at the top of test instances of the Console. 11/11/2024
Wisecat+ When searching in the catalog, too many results were returned on short searches.  In SOLR, a parameter has been adjusted so that the search yields better results. However, this requires a SOLR re-indexation after installation. Contact support if you would like your OPAC to be reindexed. If you do not, this will be fixed with the next upgrade. 11/5/2024
Client - Circulation > Authorizations The report did not give any results. The authorizations will now appear in the report again. 11/5/2024
Customer - Copies > Spine label The AVI was not appearing on new or modified spine labels because the "language or AVI" was separated into two fields. A new AVI field was added to the spine label format and will now appear on new or modified labels. 11/5/2024
Manager - Systemwise > reports > queries When using the query tool, values shown as tinyint which resulted in confusing values. Values are now shown as integers which better matches the value in the database. 11/5/024
Record Manager Record Manager suddenly stops and needs frequent restarts. Record Manager is now maintaining the session as expected. 11/5/2024


Past updates

View past updates
To view updates from the last year, see the 2023 Weekly updates.
Module/area affected Issue/update Details Week of update
Console – Customer When a Console customer record is first opened, the number on the Requests tab is the count of total item requests in the system - not for that customer. The number on the Requests tab now shows the count of item requests for that customer. 10/28/2024
Client – Items > Link The 'language' field was used to store both language and avi values In the link screen, language and avi values are accessed in their own fields.
Console – Customer > Activities > Requests Staff were unable to save item requests in the customer record without permissions to edit within the item request manager (ITEM_REQUEST_MANAGER). Staff only need the following access, CUSTOMER_ITEM_REQUESTS 15-15-15, to work with item requests in the customer record. 10/21/2024
Console – Record history Patron names were not displayed in Record history when ADDL_NM was set to “N” – additional name/preferred name. Patron names are now displayed in Record history with either setting of ADDL_NM – either “Y” or “N”. 10/21/2024
Client > Customer administration > Search Opening a patron via Recently Viewed failed if this patron was a member of another branch. Patrons that can be opened via search can now also be opened via Recently Viewed. 10/7/2024
Client > Customer administration When registering the patron at another location or re-registering, the preferred language was not remembered and was reset to Dutch. The preferred language is now displayed and used correctly. 10/7/2024
Client If you pause in a dropdown box after changing a value and immediately press F11 or F12, the first value in the dropdown list will be saved instead of the selected value. (Example provided was editing a title record from the catalog.) After adjustment, the selected value is now always saved. 10/7/2024
RESTAPI  (Catalog and other places where titles/items are visible) /title/titelnr?includeHoldings=True

Provided copies that had been discarded in the last 40 days: visible in the catalog.
Code has been corrected. The discarded copies are no longer included in the response – and are no longer visible in places such as the catalog. 9/30/2024
Console Console is timing out/freezing during normal operations.

The more calls made in the Console, the bigger the access token gets.

The servers have a size limit for the request headers (usually 800KB).
As a temporary solution, the issue is improved by removing the sticky cache that was increasing the header size.
Client - Statistics and Selections > Reports (test) > Statistics > Loan statistics (002) The 002 report was failing when the Details parameter was set to "I" (port). The processing was updated and the report now runs successfully with the Details parameter set to "I" (port). 9/23/2024
Client reports In all kinds of dropdown lists it was no longer possible to select multiple items. For example: in an overview of copies you could not select multiple cabinets, in a financial overview you could not choose multiple journal types or in a statistic you could not select multiple branches. Selecting multiple items in the dropdown lists is again possible. 9/23/2024
Client > Customer Administration When changing or deleting a BCC email address, only the new value is shown in the log on Tab 4. This has been adjusted: both old and new value are shown on Tab 4 9/23/2024
Client > Customers > Borrowed items For some deregistered customers, current fines were no longer shown with borrowed items. The fines were still booked. Customers whose end date in role_subscription is in the past, that end date is now no longer considered when showing current fines. 9/16/2024
Manager > Product and services > Policies > Policy methods > Fining process (details)
Changing the fine method gave an error 'incorrect DATE value' when saving. An adjustment has been made so that the date is processed correctly when changing and an error message no longer appears. 9/9/2024
Manager > Messages > PSI message The PSI message was missing in the Manager under Public Notifications, which prevented you from sending the messages manually. The SI option has been added to the dropdown list for Public Messages. 9/9/2024
Manager – Management organizations > Library organizations (details) User is not able to see Worldcat OCLC Symbol field in the Manager. User is able to add, update, view and delete Worldcat OCLC Symbol for every LO. 9/9/2024
Client > Customer Administration When checking in multiple customers, only the customer of the last item taken in was shown in the menu Customer administration > Customer > Search customer (recently viewed). All previous borrowers are now shown. 9/9/2024
Console > Point of Sale transactions When saving a financial transaction line, the system saved the unit price and quantity rather than the extended price and quantity. Processing has been adjusted so that the system now saves the extended price and quantity for financial transaction lines in Console Point of Sale. 9/9/2024
Client - Customer administration - Loan overview For items listed from the same LO, but a different branch, the branch was no longer shown. The branch code will be shown again if the item is from the same LO as the logged in user but from a different branch. 9/9/2024
Manager > Access codes and authorizations The 'Actors' function on read did not provide access to a customer's historical financial entries. This has been adjusted. The function on read (1) is sufficient to view historical financial entries. To gain access to the financial entries of a customer, the function 'Cash administration' on minimum change (3) is still required. 9/2/2024
Client > Customer administration When an email address is changed at the customer, it is no longer saved in the customer's log on tab 4 (Other). A NULL value was registered which resulted in no logging unless the phone number and email address were changed at the same time. The data changes are immediately logged again. 9/2/2024
Titles - Linking to order files Due to a recent change where the title data was retrieved again when linking, the shelf and budget were also updated when linking. This was not the intention. The change has been reverted and will be reviewed. 9/2/2024
Manager – systemWise > System functions > System options Setting the option CATSRCH to “No” did not hide the Catalog tab in the Console, as expected. Setting the option CATSRCH to “No” hides the Catalog tab in the Console, as expected. Set the option to “Yes” to show the Catalog tab in the Console. 8/26/2024
Console – Holds fulfillment In the Console, when a hold is fulfilled, the hold slip is printing with the current date as the hold expiration date. Processing has been adjusted so that the hold expiration date is correctly calculated (and displayed on the hold slip) from the current date and the field "Alert that item held has not been picked up" as defined in the item's RMT in the table Holds configuration per RMT. 8/26/2024
Client – Title maintenance/title management Users with a role that does not have title maintenance or title management attached to it can still modify relationships via the catalog. Processing has been adjusted so that limited users (title maintenance set to 0-0-0) are not allowed to modify relationships of a title through the catalog. 8/26/2024
Client > Catalog > Report Missing Item All users were able to report missing items by right-clicking on an item line in the catalog. There was no check to see if the user had the right permissions to do so. An adjustment has been made so that only users with the item maintenance function set to "change" will report missing items via the catalog. 8/19/2024
Console > Circulation > Picklist The “Found” button did not work as expected for all users because it expected the EXEMPLAREN role. The roles controlling the “Found” button were adjusted to include only the required role - RESERVEN 8/19/2024
Client > Titles > Subscription Management > Overviews The list of magazines not received included titles with issues that had already been received and also written off. The underlying query of the report has been adjusted so that the correct titles now appear on the alert list. 8/12/2024
Client > Titles > Subscription Management > Magazine Management If a magazine was marked as "not received" then no new issue could be received. Due to an earlier adjustment, a mismatch had arisen between two underlying dialogs. These have been corrected so that the incorrect message no longer appears. 8/12/2024
Client > Catalog At certain locations, the searchlight (Searchlight at this branch) did not work. The calculation of the vest bits has been improved. This makes the searchlight work again for all branches. 8/5/2024
Client - Instances > Instance Statistics The 001 checkout/loan statistics report gives an incorrect sorting by material, SCAT and shelf. The sorting has been adjusted. 7/29/2024
Client - Instances > Instance Statistics The 009 holding statistics report gives an incorrect sorting by material, SCAT and shelf. The sorting has been adjusted. 7/29/2024
Client - Titles > Subscription management > Magazine management In the list of expected copies, the "Last Copy" field did not show the correct last received copy. After an adjustment in the underlying query, the correct last received copy is now shown again. 7/29/2024
Client – Items >BCB/RCB reports >Items action list If a branch is allowed to process its own last BCB copies and selects 'return to circulation', the action (J) will not be processed correctly. The copy receives a revision date, and the action (J) processing is improved. 7/22/2024
Order administration - Wise orders When creating a title by importing a Wise order file without typing (Adult/Youth and Fiction/Information), no material was placed in the title. This has been corrected. If no characterization is provided, the material that is filled in in the MDT (Media Type) table for Adult Informative is selected. 7/8/2024
Collection HQ support
( collectionhq-catalog-extract-export)
The job created to generate a file of a library's collection for CollectionHQ (job name: collectionhq-catalog-extract-export) currently looks at the LO of the collection. Because titles are not assigned to a specific LO, the report is returning empty. The job query was adjusted to check on instantie_id based on the placement branch value instead of 0000 (exemplaren.instantie_id value). 7/8/2024
Client – Items > Temporary items > ILL item Unable to select the “Search customer” button on the screen without opening the Status field drop down list. Code has been adjusted so that selecting “Search customer’ no longer depends on opening the Status field drop down list. 7/8/2024
Client > Items > Item Statistics Holding statistics (report 009) does not show the correct columns when choosing details on SCAT codes or materials. The report shows the correct columns again. 7/1/2024
Client > Customer administration When creating a duplicate customer/registering an existing customer, the process assumed that the loan history should be maintained for the new customer. The process has been updated to use the entered value for loan history of the existing customer. When this value is unknown, the system option BOHISID is used to determine if the loan history should be maintained. 7/1/2024
REST API (item blocking behavior) The block 7, copy may be reserved within your own branch and will not be transported to another collection branch, was not properly included in the item availability endpoint. Due to an adjustment to this endpoint, blockade 7 is now also properly included. Items with the block 7 will not be transported to other branches. 6/17/2024
Client – MARC viewer When making an edit to a (sub)field, an extra space is added between each subfield, even if a space is already present. Extra spaces are removed as the record is saved. Extra spaces no longer accumulate between the subfields. 6/10/2024
REST API (patron search) The endpoint for looking up Library cards does not return any results in some cases. The endpoint was sometimes called multiple times at the same time. This caused interference between calls. This technique is no longer used. 6/10/2024
Manager - Management Organizations > Branches Server error occurred when creating or changing branch addresses -some data were not saved as expected. An adjustment was made to the parameters used when calling the address update; the error no longer appears when updating a branch address. 6/3/2024
Console – Circulation > Picklist > Available The Shelf Description column looks normal when first loaded. However, after the first "soft refresh", the description changes to NA. A query to retrieve the Shelf Description was adjusted. The Shelf Description now displays as expected after a “soft refresh”. 6/3/2024
Client - Customer > Customer administration Buttons at the bottom of the customer administration window disappeared after certain actions. Adjustments were made in how the tabs are presented. The buttons are now visible 5/27/2024
Client – Customer > Customer administration When a customer with existing notifications is selected, opening the notifications window through the Adjust notification button extends the notification text beyond the boundaries of the viewing area. Now when the notifications window is opened, the notifications texts stay within the boundaries of the viewing screen. 5/27/2024
Customer materials (Client) Previously, in addition to the patron’s preferred name, the patron’s legal name was appearing in parentheses on certain customer-facing materials (reports). An adjustment was made to display only the patron’s preferred name on these materials.
  • Returned overview
  • Checkout overview
  • Overdue process
  • Financial overview
  • Historical overview
  • Log history
Manager > systemWise > Reports > Report processor > Procedures Previously, procedures were not displayed on the Procedures tab if they did not have any parameters. An adjustment was made to show all procedures on the Procedures tab, even those without parameters. 5/20/2024
Console > Customers > Activity > Checked out items In certain circumstances in the Console, the checked-out items list for a patron was empty, even when items were checked out. An adjustment was made to the handling of certain items (ILL) on hold. Checked out items now appear as expected in the customer record 5/13/2024
Client > Name and address details > Change e-mail address If an actor had an ABON role and an XTRN role and the email address had to be changed via the Change button in the name and address details tab, the changed email address was not shown, but the previous email address was. Now, the new email address for the ABON role is shown, rather than the email address associated with the XTRN role. 5/6/2024
Client > Selections > Titles > Export a set to the deduplication screen An error message appeared when a set of titles was exported to the deduplication screen. Something went wrong with the creation of the "maintenance file" and the consecutive numbering of these files. An adjustment has been made to the code so that the "maintenance file" is now created without an error message. The created files are now correctly numbered. 4/29/2024
Console > Circulation > Pick list > Available When the user lands on picklist found tab and opens a hold item, the action button "Found" is not present. An adjustment has been made to the code so that the action button “Found” is shown when the hold item is opened. 4/22/2024
Manager > Message texts If you select a message text line, you cannot change it to a different number using edit.
But if you then click Enter and set the number to 3 and then click Change again, you can save it and you will have several of the same number.
To prevent switching from inputting to editing without ending the input, the editing mode is now turned off during input. The radio buttons are restored by one of the action buttons. The Cancel button now also clears the input screen so that any new input is not accidentally reused. 4/22/2024
Client > Instances > Instances action list There are almost no write-off actions with the description 'write-off due to age' on the copy promotion list, even though there are sufficient copies that meet the conditions. An earlier adjustment to the inspection of specimens / inspection date appeared to have consequences for the item to be reviewed. That has now been resolved. 4/15/2024
Manager > Ordering and linking > Ordering > Delete old orders An error was regularly displayed when deleting old orders. This was caused by a timeout. The underlying query for deleting the old orders has been improved, which minimizes the chance of a timeout. 4/15/2024
Console – Item request manager > Manage requests The sort on the column Library status used the statusID as the sort value, rather than the status value (as displayed) The sort on the column Library status now uses the status values. 4/8/2024
Client > Instances > instances action list A copy in which a loan inspection has taken place is back on the ea list a week later. The revision date was not properly considered when reviewing loans. That action has been improved. 4/1/2024
Manager > Ordering and linking > Ordering > Delete old orders The "delete old orders" function only caused copies with status I to be written off. The payment status expired was recently introduced in the order lines.
In addition to the copies being written off, the associated order lines are now also adjusted. The copy status and payment status of the order lines are both set to V > expired.
Client > Instances > instances action list When the last copy within the BCB group is written off, it is not known whether there are still copies of the title in the system. The screen when removing the last (BCB) copy within the BCB group states how many copies of the title are in the system at that time. 3/25/2024
Client - instances action list Copies that are sent to the BCB manager for revision must remain at the branch because the manager is not filled [ ]. The description of the promotion has been changed and indicates 'to location'. For example:
Revision due to number of loans - to 6000
Client > Items > Link In the link screen, the order number from a previous session "link with order files" was sometimes incorrectly displayed. The reset button also did not work properly. An order number from a previous session "link with order files" is no longer displayed in the "regular" link screen. The reset button also works again. 3/18/2024
INN-Reach file export Items with status A - Discarded were included in the holdings details of the INN-reach export. Records are now sorted by the “Library status” value rather than the statusid. 3/18/2024
Console > Item request manage > Manage requests When records are sorted by “Library status”, the records are sorted by the statusid value associated with “Library status” value. Records are now sorted by the “Library status” value rather than the statusid. 3/18/2024
Client > Customer administration > Properties tab If a block is placed on a patron account by a staff member and the staff member account is removed, an error message was displayed at the patron. If the creator of a block is unknown, the block can still be seen and edited. 3/11/2024
Client > Check in When the staff check in window is closed with F12 in the Client, the borrower data of the previous borrower remains visible. Closing the staff check in with F12 now properly clears the fields with borrower data. 3/11/2024
Rest-API When the pop-up is set for system notifications, the pop-up only appeared when an action was taken in the Client. The message now also appears when nothing is actively being done in the Client. 3/4/2024
Client > Location management > Workplace management > configuration > Preferences When the pop-up is set for system notifications, the pop-up only appeared when an action was taken in the Client. The message now also appears when nothing is actively being done in the Client. 3/4/2024
Client > Customer administration If the 3 things below applied at the same time, a new subscription was prepared (invoiced) by clicking 'OK' in the message 'A reason for cancellation must be given'.
  • System option: LRBMRFU = Yes,
  • Subscription: Type of renewal = Fixed end with termination on subscription expiry date,
  • Unsubscribe (immediately or on the 1st of the following month) without giving a reason in the last month of the current subscription.
By clicking 'OK' in the message 'A reason must be given for cancellation' you will now remain in the 'Change' screen. Then choose a reason to unsubscribe and click 'Save' or click 'Cancel'. 2/26/2024
Client > Statistics and selections > Selections When making a selection of items based on the date of loss, Missing date must be selected in the Selection Rules under Category, where this field is called 'Date of Missing' in the item detail screen. In the Sections in the selection rules, the name Missing Date has now been changed to Date of loss 2/26/2024
  SIP2 > Extend If the FV setting is active in the Manager for the ZUS profile, it is not possible to renew a copy with damage via self-service. This issue has been resolved. Extending a copy with damage via self-service now also works if the FV setting is active. 2/26/2024
Client > Customer administration When placing a general block, the username of the staff member who placed the block was shown. Instead of the username, the staff member’s name is now shown. 2/19/2024
Client > Holds The PRA message 'cancellation of expired hold’ was sent incorrectly If a reservation copy with an expiration date in the past was returned to the supplying branch after loan and was declared missing at that time, the reservation was incorrectly restored to status A (Active). Because the expiration date had been reached, the reservation was canceled. That triggered a PRA message.
This has been resolved: the status now becomes Z (Finished)
Client > Items > View In the field: return date, the time of return was not entered correctly (00.00.00) If a copy is loaned out, the time will no longer be displayed. When an item is returned, the time of return is displayed correctly. 2/5/2024
Client > Items  (guest loans) An item that has been physically transported by the host system is retrieved in the home system (of the item) and lent to another borrower. It sometimes happened that the guest system later sent an 'on transport' message to the home system. The result was that the item was placed on transport again in the home system; after it had been loaned out to another customer. A check on borrower number is now built in. If the loan number does not match, the status of the item will not be adjusted. (The item will not be put ‘on transport’.) 2/5/2024
Messages > Membership Alerts
Server > Bounce Processor
CAE and CAJ emails do not contain a message number in the XML, so they were not picked up by the bouncer (when undeliverable to the patron). Messages specific to paid memberships. The message number has been added to the XML, so that the bouncer can also recognize and process these messages. 1/29/2024
Client > Messages > Invoices > Material reimbursement invoices The moment a copy that qualifies for an invoice was collected; the invoice line was no longer removed from the invoice procedure. This caused this line to appear again when the copy was checked out again. The invoice could be selected but was only actually created if the copy was again in the possession of the same customer for whom the invoice was generated. An adjustment has been made so that as soon as the copy is collected, the line is removed from the invoice procedure. 1/22/2024
Client > BCB > Instances action list A copy for which the depreciation has been reversed or has been returned to the collection will appear again on the action list a week later. These copies receive a date in the revision field and this is now taken into account. The copy will be put back on the list after a year. 1/22/2024
Client login A user who has a role to which a non-existent branch or a branch with category N is linked, can still log in with this role for that branch. This has been adjusted.
When logging in, the valid logins are retrieved and passed on to the client. If the branch for which the user is logging in no longer exists or has category 'N', the relevant logins are no longer available in the client, so the user can no longer log in with them. Even if these still exist with the access codes.
Client > Lending A message appeared stating that a copy could not be checked out when the system option MLDBRES/MLDZRES is enabled and a paused reservation is active. The paused reservation was seen as an active reservation. An adjustment has now been made so that a reservation that is currently paused is no longer considered active, so that the within copy can be loaned out. 1/15/2024
Server > HERVZM job Regularly no messages were sent on Mondays by the job HERVZM because the weekly update had not yet been completed. The job started at 05:30:00. It was decided to start the HERVZM job one hour later (6:30 AM), so that there is no longer any overlap with the weekly update. 1/15/2024
Console > Item request manager > Manage requests The pick-up location field is mandatory, but that requirement is not clear when looking at an expanded item request. The pick-up location field is now indicated as a mandatory with the same symbol (red asterisk) with which other mandatory fields are marked. 1/15/2024
Client > Customer administration  If patron has an item without a due date in their list, the F9 button no longer works, and loaned items are not visible. The list of loaned items is now shown even if an item has a missing return date. 1/8/2024
Manager - Items and Locations > Local location management > System tables > (TABPLE) The title on the detail window of the label configurations was “Order series”. The title on the detail window of the label configurations is now “Label configuration.” 1/8/2024
Manager - Collections > Collection management BCB > Evaluation > (BCBSCI) Remediation process - BCB Withdrawal process panel “Repair” was used as the translation rather than “inspect”/”inspection”. “Inspect” and “inspection” were substituted for the word “repair”, more accurately indicating the type of action that is required. 1/8/2024


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