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OCLC Wise Support EN

On Loan

Learn how to view information about borrowed items from within the Activity tab of the Wise Console.

 Note: The Wise Console is still in development, and some features may not yet be available.

On Loan

Items that are currently checked out to the customer can be viewed within the Checked out section of the Activity tab.

Screenshot of the On Loan screen in the Wise Console

The following information is available for checked out items:

Field Description
Format The material type of the item. 
Title The title associated with the item. 

 Note: If the item is currently overdue, a yellow exclamation point and a note stating that the item is overdue appears below this field. 

Checked out The date that the item was first checked out. 
Due date The due date of the item. 
Renewals left The number of times that the item can still be renewed.

Click the arrow (console_arrow.png) to the left of each item description to view the following additional information:

Field Description

The status of the item. 

Notes Details surrounding the loan and notifications related to the loan appear in this field. 
Amount due Indicates the outstanding fine on the item. When the item is returned, borrowed, or renewed, the total amount of the cost will display. 
Barcode The barcode of the item
Collection When the item is returned, the collection code for items from changing collections is shown.

Claim item(s) returned

To claim an item as returned:

  1. Navigate to the Activity tab > Checked out tab.
  2. Use the checkboxes next to the checked out items to select the item(s) you would like to renew.

     Note: To select all Checked out items, check the Select all checkbox at the top of the page.

  3. Once at least one item has been selected, a More actions option will appear at the top right-hand side of the page.

  4. Click on the arrow to open the drop-down list.

  5. Select Claim item(s) returned.

  6. A dialogue box will appear with a list of all selected titles and their replacement costs. A count of total replacement costs is also displayed.

  7. Click the drop-down menu under Returned to and select the branch that item was returned to.

  8. Click into the field under Date returned to enter the date that the return was made on.

  9. If desired, add any notes about the claim under Note (optional).

  10. Click Resolve to complete the claim.

Renew loaned items

You have the option to renew one or more items from the customer screen in the Wise console.

To renew an item:

  1. Navigate to the Activity tab > Checked out tab.
  2. Use the checkboxes next to the checked out items to select the item(s) you would like to renew.

     Note: To select all Checked out items, check the Select all checkbox at the top of the page.

  3. Once at least one item has been selected, a More actions option will appear at the top right hand side of the page.
  4. Click on the arrow to open the drop-down list.
  5. Select, Renew item(s).
  6. A cofirmation dialog box appears. Click Renew to continue.

If the item(s) can be renewed, a confirmation of the renewal will appear. If one or more of the selected item(s) cannot be renewed, a dialog appears with the title and the reason it can't be renewed. You will have the option to cancel the renewal or continue. If there are additional items that can't be renewed, a dialog will open for each of the non-renewable items with the option to cancel or renew.

 Note: The ability to renew a blocked item depends on the role of the logged-in staff member and the configuration of the desk pattern for the renew messages in the manager.

Once the item(s) is renewed, a confirmation dialog will appear with a list of the renewed item(s). If any items were not renewed, they are also listed.

The Due Date and Renewals left columns in the On loan list for the renewed items are now updated. If the items(s) were overdue, a fine will be applied to the customer account and the charge will appear in the customer Activity > Financial tab.

Register current fine

  1. Navigate to the Activity tab > Checked out tab.
  2. Use the checkboxes next to the checked-out items to select the item(s) you would like to renew.
  3. Once at least one item has been selected, a More actions option will appear at the top right-hand side of the page.
  4. Click on the arrow to open the drop-down list.
  5. Click Register current fine.
  6. A dialogue box will appear that lists the following information:
    • The number of selected items that are overdue
    • The number of selected items with fines that will be applied
    • The number of selected items that won’t be processed
    • The current fine amount for the selected item(s)
  7. To cancel the transaction, click the Cancel button. No item(s) will be registered if this is selected.
  8. To register the fine(s) click the Register fine button on the bottom right.
  9. When this button is clicked the following will occur:
    • A success modal appears. At this point, the register current fine workflow is complete and you can select All done to exit.
    • An option to pay the registered fine(s) will also be available. If desired, click Pay now to open the Console payment module.

 Note:  Items in the following statuses will not be processed during the register current fine workflow:

  •     M = Missing
  •     F = Checked out and invoiced, bill printed
  •     N = checked out and invoiced, but bill hasn’t been printed


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