Reports (organized by function)
The Reports (organized by function) section displays a selection of reports made for external parties. This area is accessible within the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Reports > Reports (organized by function).
Generate a report
To generate a report on the Reports (organized by function) page:
- Click on the report name. A report parameters box appears in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Enter the details for the report you want to run. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out.
- Click Create report. The report is generated and opens on a new tab in your browser.
Available reports
The following reports are available in Reports (organized by function):
Licenses (invoice specification)
Select Licenses (invoice specification) to generate a list of all of the Wise licenses in use by your institution on a provided Reference date.
Financial flows per month
This report provides an overview of outstanding debts per journal booking type for a specified month.
Provide the following information:
- Financial organization
- Institution
- Period (YYMM)
Based on the selected date, Wise will create an overview for the specified institution and month for each booking type, including the following details:
- Outstanding amount at the beginning of the month
- Total invoiced/booked/month
- Total received in cash/month
- Total received via debit card/month
- Total deposits/month
- Total vouchers received/month
- Total received as "other"/month
- Outstanding amount at the end of the month
Revenues per financial organization per institution per branch per subscription
This overview gives a membership-level view of the financial returns and cancelations over a given period. The report includes income by source in each of the following categories:
- Fees
- Penalty/count
- Borrowing fees
- Reservation funds
- Notes
- Remaining
Overview if everyone now claims their money [biebrun]
This report provides a solvency check for libraries. It displays outstanding financial liabilities per institution:
- Open commitments through orders
- Credits charged by customers
- Customer deposits
BIS counts
- BIS lending counts
- BIS possession coutns
- BIS purchase fees
Not for use in US libraries.
Customers from municipalities without library facilities
Not for use in US libraries.
Transport numbers
The Transport numbers report provides insight into the number of copies with the status T - Transport. Note, this report only shows which items are indicated as in transport, it does not know if the item has been placed in transport.
To generate this report, provide the following information:
Field | Description |
Branch from | The location where the copy is put on transport |
Branch to | The transport locations are included in the report up to this location. if the numbers of one transport location is shown, the same location number must be entered for both locations. |
Date from | Start of the period |
Date up to and including |
End of the period. |
Quantity | Minimum quantity of items to display in the report |
Loan rights
Not for use in US libraries.
Loan rights sample
Not for use in US libraries.
Duplicate customers
The Duplicate customers report finds all customers with multiple library accounts. The report is run based on customer first name, last name, prefixes, call sign, birth date, sex and status within a specified start and end date. An address line is displayed for each customer.
BCB branches
Not for use in US libraries.
Census national borrowing
Not for use in US libraries.
Municipalities and Library members
Not for use in US libraries.
Actor inspection log
This report allows library staff to generate a list of account changes and views for both customer and staff accounts.
The following information must be entered to generate the report:
- Actor id: The actor id of the customer or the employee.
- Date from: The desired start date from which an overview should be given. The data can be retrieved up to 6 months back.
- Date to: The desired end date to when an overview should be given.
- Is actor an employee: Yes or No, here you enter whether the report is an overview of a customer or an employee.
Deleted Customer Records by Day
This report generates a list of customer records deleted over a specific time period.
Enter the date from (yyyy-mm-dd) and date to (yyyy-mm-dd) and click Create report. If either date is left blank then the message "Section entry incorrect [Date from (yyyy-mm-dd)]" will appear.
Inactive Users
The Inactive Users Report displays any accounts that have not been logged into in the Client since the date selected in the report filter.
The report shows:
- User
- Branch
- Institution
- Role
- Last login
Customer viewing log
The Customer viewing log report displays an overview of changes to or account views associated with a library account.
To generate the report, provide the following information:
- Customer ID
- Date from
- Date to
- Is the customer a staff member? (Yes or No)
The report displays the following information about the customer:
- Collaborator (The username of the staff member who viewed or made changes to the account.)
- Customer ID
- Inspection date
- Changed details?
- Withdrawn?
Wise Configuration Logging
Library staff with administrative access to the Wise Manager can generate and view a report of changes made in the Manager. The report can be limited by dates, table, and actor, and the resulting BIRT report provides an overview of the time and date of the change, the user ID and username of the user who made the change, the table that was edited, action taken, and the old and new values.
CBS Statistics
This report summarizes the demographic distribution of library members courtesy of CBS and displays information in the following fields:
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Registration date
- ISIL code
- Zip code
- Street number
- House number addition
- House number and house number addition
- Reference date