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Order tables

Ordering settings are defined within the Order tables in the Wise configuration manager.

Order tables define settings related to ordering in the Wise client. These tables are located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Order and link > Order

(TABBWZ) Binding method

The binding methods entered in (TABBWZ) Binding method table appear when orders are created in the staff client. A binding method can be included in the order information to indicate to the vendor if a deviating binding method should be used by the vendor as a standard.

To create or edit a binding method:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Order > (TABBWZ) Binding method.
  2. Click New to add a new method, or click Detail next to an existing method to make changes. The Binding window opens.
  3. Enter binding method information. If you are editing an existing method, select Change to make changes.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (BWZ)
    Binding Binding method code, limit 4 characters. This might be provided by the vendor.
    Description Text description of the binding method.
    Vendor If this method applies to a specific vendor, select a vendor from the drop-down table.
    Alternative payment options Optional, a code provided by the vendor. The alternative payment option is sent with the order, if entered, otherwise the standard binding method is included.
    Label code Optional, a code provided by the vendor or back label
  4. Click OK to save.

(NBD) NBD order codes per branch 

Not for use in US libraries.

(BSTMTH) Ordering templates

Ordering templates can be used to automatically fill one or more field during the ordering process in the staff client. The process works in the Order screen and the Institution ordering screen.

Several ordering processes can be created per location. Each process is given its own unique, 4-character code.

 Note: To apply a Discount, the template must be created in the Acquisitions (1111) branch. 

To create or edit an ordering template:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Order > (BSTMTH) Ordering templates.
  2. Click Open next to your organization.
  3. Click Open next to the branch location for the template.
  4. Click New to create a new template or click Detail next to an existing template to make changes. The Ordering templates window opens.
  5. Enter template information. If you are editing an existing method, select Change to make changes.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (BSTMTH).
    Branch Automatically filled by the system based on the selected branch.
    Process Name of the template as it will appear in the staff client.
    Description Text description of the template. This description appears when selecting a template to apply to an order. 
    Standard material

    The Standard material field can be used as a selection criterion.

    For example, if a user orders a title with material type B4, the system will look for a template where the material (RMT) is B4. If a rule is found the template will be automatically applied.

    Standard Scat

    The Standard SCAT can be used as a selection criterion.

    For example, if a user orders a title with SCAT code 2000, the system will look for a template where the SCAT is 2000. If a rule is found the template will be automatically applied.

    Placement branch To automatically populate the branch name, select the branch from the drop-down list.
    Vendor If a vendor is entered here, it will be included in the order screen when this template is selected.
    Quantity The number of items to be ordered.
    NBD order code Not for use in US libraries. 
    Shelf If a shelf location is entered here, it will be included in the order screen when this template is selected.
    Collection Only enter a value here if the order is for a specific collection.
    Budget If a budget is selected, the order will be posted to this budget.
    Special collection If a special collection code is selected, it will be included in the order screen when the template is selected. For more information, see (TABBCL) Special collections.
    Surcharge Not for use in US libraries.

    Enter a discount percentage. 

    Example: A 6% discount should be entered as 600, a 15% discount is entered as 1500, a 19.5% discount is entered as 1950, etc. 

     Note: To apply a discount, the template must be configured in the Acquisitions (1111) branch. 

    Loan block Select Yes if the ordered items will have a loan block.
    Change order data Select Yes if you can change order details.
    Only from inventory Not for use in US libraries.
  6. Click OK to save.

(TABBAB) Order subscriptions 

Not for use in US libraries.

(BSTBAV) Order subscription (per branch) 

Not for use in US libraries.

(TABNBR) Ordering series 

Supply files can be placed in one or more series (groups). If a supply range is used, the code A = everything. This is the best method for title and order management. You may choose to use additional series for collection formation purposes.

Table to define menu entries with the help of which supply files are shown in groups in the client.

To add an ordering series:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Order > (TABNBR) Ordering series.
  2. Click New. The Order series window opens.
  3. Enter series information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (NBR).
    Code  A unique single character code.
    Description Required. A text description of the series.
    For material (pos 1) The first position of the material type(s) included in the series. To include multiple material types, enter each letter with no spaces or characters between the numbers.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABNBS) Ordering supply types 

Not for use in US libraries.

Order tables managed by OCLC 

The following tables can only be accessed and edited by OCLC and are not in use for US libraries.

  • (TABBBC) Cluster code assortment
  • (TABBB1) Biblion AI text 1
  • (TABBB2) Biblion AI text 2
  • (TABPCT) Cluster language code selection
  • (TABBBS) Supply status title


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