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System tables (RCB | BCB) configuration

Learn how to configure system tables for BCB.

RCB | BCB System tables are defined within the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Collections > System tables (RCB | BCB).

(G_SCI) Collection clusters

Collection clusters are created to group similar SCAT code types together to assist with weeding. 

To create a collection cluster:

  1. Navigate to Collections > System tables (RCB | BCB) > (G_SCI) Collection clusters.
  2. Click New to add a new collection cluster. The Collection classifications window opens.
  3. Define the following fields:
    Field Details
    Type SCI - Automatically populated
    Classification A unique, three-digit code defining the cluster.
    Description The name of the collection cluster. 

     Note: Commas and special characters cannot be used in the Description field. 


    Choose a collection cluster type:

    • S - Scat
    • P - Shelf

     Note: OCLC recommends selecting S - Scat for US libraries. 

    (BCBSCI) Remediation process Select a Remediation process from the drop-down menu. 
  4. Click OK to save. 

Add statistical categories to a collection cluster

Collection clusters can be added based on SCAT codes. An Excel spreadsheet containing SCAT codes can be uploaded to Wise to populate the collection cluster. Contact your implementation manager for assistance.

To upload the spreadsheet:

  1. Within the Wise Client, navigate to Branch management > File management.
  2. Right-click on the invoer folder and select Upload file. 
  3. Select the saved Excel file and click Open to upload the file. 
  4. Navigate to Statistics and Selections > Import (test). The Import menu appears.
  5. Select Collection clusters and click OK. The Import clusters (groupings) menu appears.
  6. Select the file that was uploaded in step 3 from the drop-down menu and select the appropriate collection cluster from the Classification drop-down menu. Click Agree.
  7. The codes are now populated within the Wise configuration manager at Collections > System tables (RCB | BCB) > (G_SCI) Collection clusters.  To view each individual group and SCAT code, open the appropriate Collection cluster and click Detail. The following fields are populated for each SCAT code and group:
    Field Description
    Type SCI - Automatically populated
    Classification  A unique, three-digit code defining the collection.
    Cluster A unique, four-digit code defining the cluster.
    Description A description of the cluster. 
    RCB settings
    Standard lending frequency Not for use in US libraries.
    Standard withdrawal percentage Not for use in US libraries.
    Acquisition percentage standard Not for use in US libraries.
    Count group Not for use in US libraries.
    BCB settings
    (BCBSCI) Remediation process Select a Remediation process from the drop-down menu. 

(G_VSI) Branch clusters

Branch clusters can be created to define BCB settings across a group.

Branch clusters can also be created to compare a group of branches against another. For example, if your system has multiple library organizations with multiple branches under each library organization, you could create a branch cluster of all of the main branches across the library organizations for comparison. 

To define a new branch cluster:

  1. Navigate to Collections > System tables (RCB | BCB) > (G_VSI) Branch clusters
  2. Click New to add a new branch cluster. The Clusters window opens
  3. Define the following fields: 
    Field Description
    Type VSI - Automatically populated

    Three character classification code for the branch cluster.

    For BCB branch clusters, use the code BCB.

    Description Description of the branch cluster.
  4. Click OK to save. 

Add a group to the cluster

Once a branch cluster code has been created, a group must be created in order to add branches. To create the top-level cluster: 

  1. Navigate to Collections > System tables (RCB | BCB) > (G_VSI) Branch clusters.
  2. Find the appropriate branch cluster in the list and click Open.
  3. Click New to add a new branch to the cluster. The Clusters window opens. 
  4. Define the following fields:  
    Field Description
    Type VSI - Automatically populated
    Classification Three character classification code for the branch cluster.
    Cluster Four character numeric code associate with the branch cluster.
    Description A description of the branch cluster.
    RCB settings
    Background cluster Only select Yes if your institution is using RCB. 
    BCB settings

    If Yes is selected, the branches in this cluster participate in rotation.

    float If Yes is selected, the branches in this cluster are able to float.
    Clear If Yes is selected, the branches in this cluster participate in the remediation process.
    Default clearance branch

    Select the branch that will be the remediation location for the cluster. If nothing is selected, each branch performs remediation.

    Default storage branch

    Select the branch that is the storage location for the cluster. If nothing is selected, each branch uses the storage function.

    Default sales branch

    Select the default sales branch for the cluster. If nothing is selected, each branch performs sales functions.

  5. Click OK to save.

Add branches to a cluster

Once the top level-cluster has been created, branches must be added. To add branches to a cluster: 

  1. Navigate to Collections > System tables (RCB | BCB) > (G_VSI) Branch clusters.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate branch cluster in the list and click Open.
  3. Fine the top-level cluster in the list and click Open.
  4. Click New to add a new branch to the cluster. The Clusters window opens. 
  5. Define the following fields: 
    Field Description
    Type VSI - Automatically populated by the system.
    Classification Automatically populated by the system. The three character classification code for the cluster.
    Cluster Automatically populated by the system. The four character numerical classification code for the cluster.
    Branch The branch to be added to the cluster.
    Description A description of the branch.
    BCB Settings
    Float If Yes is selected, the branch is able to float.
    Rotate If Yes is selected, the branch is able to rotate.
    Quantity for rotation The number of items per week that can rotate.
    Clear If Yes is selected, the branch is able to participate in remediation.
    Total to weed The number of items per week to be evaluated for weeding.

     Note: The minimum quantity per week is 25. If a value lower than 25 is entered, Wise will still generate a report with 25 items.

    Clearance branch

    Select the branch that will be the remediation location, if it differs from the cluster. If your branch will be performing remediation for itself, select that branch. 

    If this field is empty, the default is the value from the cluster level configuration.

    Storage branch

    Select the branch that will be the warehouse location, if it differs from the cluster. If your branch will be functioning as a warehouse for itself, select that branch. 

    If this field is empty, the default is the value from the cluster level configuration.

    Sales branch

    Select the branch that will be the sales location, if it differs from the cluster. If your branch will be performing sales for itself, select that branch. 

    If this field is empty, the default is the value from the cluster level configuration.

    Branch class Enter the branch class to which the branch belongs.

Default setting versus setting per location

BCB configurations allow for remediation and/or storage branches to be set up for the entire cluster, but it is also possible to deviate for each branch. To make it clearer, the diagram below is included.


Cluster level

Branch level


Remediation branch - the branch who does the discarding of the items



Concerns actions A (discard), I (inspection) and J (last copy of a title).

Copies with action A and the description 'discard necessary' are always done at the placement branch. This action results from the choice 'Discard immediately based on age' set to Yes in the remediation method.

Note : Copy with action J (last copy) is also affected by the storage location setting.

  <empty> <empty>

Wise falls back to the BCBGRP setting: copies go to the BCB administrator (BCB branch 1000 in most cases).

If the BCB administrator field is empty, each branch will handle its own items.

Due to readability in the VSI cluster, it is advisable to fill in your own branch for each branch in this case.


Branch B with Branch B

Branch C with Branch C

Branch D with Branch D


Each branch location handles the copies itself.
  Branch A as default <empty>

Branch A discards for all the branches in the cluster, i.e. for the entire group


  Branch A as default Branch B with Branch B Branch A discards for all the branches in the cluster, with the exception of branch B. Branch B does their own discards.
  Branch A as default

Branch B with Branch B

Branch B with Branch C

Branch A discards for all the branches in the cluster, with the exception of branches B and C.

Branch B discards for itself AND for branch C.




Branch B with Branch B

Branch B with Branch C

Branch B with Branch D

Branch E = <empty>

Branch B discards for itself AND for branches C and D.

The copies/items are transported from Branch C and D to Branch B.


The copies/items from branch E go to the BCB administrator.

Storage branch



Concerns action J (last copy of a title).

  Branch M as default <empty> Branch M is the storage branch for the cluster, so for the entire group. Copies/items are transported to Branch M.
  Branch M as default Branch B with Branch B Branch M is the storage branch for all the branches in the cluster, with the exception of Branch B. Branch B is also a storage branch.
  Branch M as default

Branch B with Branch B

Branch B with Branch C

Branch M is the storage branch for all the branches in the cluster, with the exception of Branch B and C. Branch B is a storage branch for its own last copies and those of branch C.
  <empty> <empty>

BCBGRP = <empty>

The last copy of a title remains at our own branch to determine what should be done with it.

Sales branch is not currently in use in US libraries


(TABBAN) Advice - Difficulty level

Not for use in US libraries. Defines the difficulty level, from 1 to 5.

(TABBAP) B.A. popularity

Not for use in US libraries. Defines the popularity level, from 1 to 5.

(TABBAO) B.A. quality rating 

Not for use in US libraries. Defines the quality rating, from 1 to 5.

(TABBAS) B.A. NBD scale

Not for use in US libraries.

(TABBAC) B.A. cultural value

Not for use in US libraries.


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