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OCLC Wise Support EN

Default setting versus setting per location

Find information about how a branch can be set up for the entire cluster for evaluation, and this can be different per branch.

A branch can be set up for the entire cluster for evaluation, and this can be different per branch. To make this clearer, here is a diagram:

Branch type Cluster level Branch level Result
Remediation branch - The branch that discards the items.     Concerns actions A (discard), I (inspection), and J (last copy/item of a title).

Copies with action A and the description 'discard necessary' are always done at the placement branch. This action results from the choice 'Discard immediately based on age' set to Yes in the remediation method.

 Note: The storage location setting also affects copies with action J (the last copy/item of a title). 

<empty> <empty> Wise falls back to the BCBGRP setting: copies go to the BCB administrator (BCB branch 1000 in most cases).

If the BCB administrator field is empty, each branch will handle its own items.

Due to readability in the VSI cluster, it is advisable to fill in your own branch for each branch in this case.
<empty> Branch B with Branch B

Branch C with Branch C

Branch D with Branch D

Each branch location handles the copies itself.
Branch A as default <empty> Branch A discards for all the branches in the cluster (i.e., for the entire group).
Branch A as default Branch B with Branch B Branch A discards for all the branches in the cluser, except for branch B. Branch B does their own discards.
Branch A as default Branch B with Branch B

Branch C with Branch C
Branch A discards all the branches in the cluster, except for branches B and C.

Branch B discards for itself AND branch C.
<empty> Branch B with Branch B

Branch C with Branch C

Branch D with Branch D

Branch E = <empty>
Storage branch     Concerns action J (last copy of a title).
Branch M as default <empty> Branch M is the storage branch for the cluster and the entire group. Copies/items are transported to Branch M.
Branch M as default Branch B with Branch B Branch M is the storage branch for all the branches in the cluster, with the exception of Branch B, which is also a storage branch.
Branch M as default Branch B with Branch B

Branch B with Branch C
Branch M is the storage branch for all the branches in the cluster, except for Branch B and C. Branch B is a storage branch for its own last copies and those of branch C.
<empty> <empty> BCBGRP = <empty>

The last copy of a title remains at our own branch to determine what should be done with it.


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