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OCLC Wise Support EN


Learn how to generate customer and usage analyses in Statistics and selections in the Wise staff client.


Only branches from your own sector are visible in this menu.


Usage per area

Not for use in US libraries. 

Usage per branch/location

The Usage per branch/location report displays the number of loans for a set period per lending branch, per material type, per SCAT.

 Note: This report does not include renewals.

To generate the report:

  1. Go to Statistics and Selections > Statistical data > Analyses > Usage per branch / location. The Number of loans per branch, material, statistical category (02).
  2. Select preferences for the report.
    Field Description
    Institution Select an institution from the drop-down list, or,
    or branch(es) Select branch(es) to display in the report. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches.
    Period (up to and including) Enter the period of time for which to generate the report.

    Select whether or not to group the output by SCAT:

    • Don't group
    • Do group
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser.

The report displays the number of loans, per SCAT, material type, and branch.

Usage per period

The Usage per period report displays the number of circulation transactions, the method used to perform the transaction, per branch, during a specific period of time. The report can display per day, per day and hour, or per day, hour and minute.

To generate the report:

  1. Go to Statistics and Selections > Statistical data > Analyses > Usage per period. The Analysis of lending actions by time (05) window opens.
  2. Select preferences for the report.
    Field Description
    Branch(es) Select branch(es) to to display in the report. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches.
    Period (up to and including) Enter the period of time for which to generate the report.
    Count by time unit

    Select the time interval the report will display:

    • 0 - per day
    • 1 - per day and hour
    • 2 - per day, hour and minute
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser.

The report displays the branch, source, action, date/time and number of transactions.

The report displays the following information:

Column  Description
Branch Branch code for the branch for which the statistics are generated.

The method used to perform the transaction:

  • S = self service
  • P = portal
  • B = service desk
  • I = internet

The type of transaction performed:

  • 1 = loans
  • 2 = returns
  • 3 = renewals
Date Date the transaction took place.
Time Time the transaction took place.
Quantity Number of transactions of this kind that took place.

Usage per branch/customer category

The Usage per branch / customer category report displays the number of unique borrowers, the number of loans and the average lending frequency (for the group of borrowers) for a set period per lending branch per borrower category (of the borrower at the time of check-out).

To generate the report:

  1. Go to Statistics and Selections > Statistical data > Analyses > Usage per branch / customer category. The Number of customers and lending frequency per branch, customer category (03) window opens.
  2. Select preferences for the report.
    Field Description
    Institution Select an institution from the drop-down list, or,
    or branch(es) Select branch(es) to to display in the report. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches.
    Period (up to and including) Enter the period of time for which to generate the report.

    Select whether or not to group the output by customer category: 

    • Don't group
    • Do group
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser.

The report displays the number of unique borrowers per branch/district/neighborhood code, as well as the average number of loans of this group, within the selected period.

Customers per period

The customers per period report displays the total number of customers per institution or branch within a specified period of time.

To generate the report:

  1. Go to Statistics and Selections > Statistical data > Analyses > Customers per period. The Overview of historical customer numbers (04) window opens.
  2. Select preferences for the report.
    Field Description
    Institution Select an institution from the drop-down list, or,
    or branch(es) Select branch(es) to to display in the report. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches.
    Period  from to Enter the period of time for which to generate the report. Use .. to separate the start and end dates for the indicated period. Use the yyyymm date format.
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser.

The report displays the number of customers per the selected location within the selected period of time.


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