My wish list
The My wish list functionality allows customers to create a list of titles that they want to borrow in the future.
Add a title to the wish list
A title can be added to the wish list from the catalog via the Add to list button. Once the button is clicked the following screen appears:
The Add button puts the title on the wish list. The customer can immediately click through to the list. Adding the same title to the list twice is not possible. If this is attempted, a message that reads "Title was already on your wish list" will appear.
Once a title that is on the wish list is borrowed, it disappears from the list.
Wish list features
The following functions are offered from the wish list:
- Place holds
- Go to the title page in the catalog
- Order: move titles higher/lower on the list
- Remove a title from the Wishlist
- Rating a title
- Printing: choice between a compact list or an extended list with images (covers)
- The maximum number of titles that can be printed is 1500.
Place holds on titles via the wish list
Customers can make a reservation directly from the wish list using the Place a hold button.
Multiple holds via the Wishlist
It is also possible to place holds for multiple titles at the same time via the wish list. This must first be enabled by checking the box Customer may submit multiple holds at the same time from the wish list under each applicable library organizations via Wise > Management organizations > Library organizations in the Manager.
Once this functionality is turned on, the option to place multiple holds at once from the wish list will appear. Customers can check multiple titles (1) and then click the Place a hold on selected titles button (2). This button shows in parentheses how many titles have been selected. Customers can also use the drop-down menu to select all titles at once, or to clear their selection (3).
After clicking Place a hold on selected titles a popup screen will open. The following information/options will be available:
- A list of all the titles that are going to be reserved.
- If there are titles that cannot be reserved, this is also indicated on the screen. For example, if customers want to reserve a magazine this requires them to choose a specific edition, so several cannot be reserved at once.
- Possible costs, if applicable.
- Pickup location: this can be adjusted on this screen for all selected titles at once.
- The option to immediately remove the titles that have been reserved from the wish list.