My checkouts
This screen provides an overview of what the customer has borrowed, with renewal buttons appearing as allowed. Whether or not a specific item is allowed to be renewed depends on the policies of the library where it was borrowed from.
My checkouts screen
Items that need to be returned first appear at the top of the page. After renewal, the order of the items on the page will shift to reflect these changes.
Only copies borrowed from the library are shown. If a customer has items that are overdue, this is shown in the OPAC for both the customer and any authorized relationships.
Colors are used to indicate the remaining loan period of the copy:
Color | Meaning |
Red | The item is late being returned. |
Yellow | Item is due within one week. |
Green | The item is not due for more than a week. |
Renew items for related accounts
Customers can also renew items for other customers from this screen. If they have been authorized to renew for another customer they will see an extra tab for the other account.
Renewal blocked by fines
Renewal sessions are blocked if there are fines on the account. To prevent renewal sessions from being blocked for fines, you can turn on the system option GSIVERL.
Renewal confirmations
When a customer has renewed an item a confirmation will appear on screen, including which copies have been renewed and what the new due date is. If configured, a renewal confirmation is also sent to the customer by e-mail. This message indicates which items have and have not been renewed. If an item is listed as not renewed this is not an indication about whether the copy can be renewed or if items are overdue. This is only an indication that during the renewal session there were items were not successfully renewed.