Print hold and transport slips
Print hold and transport slips
When performing check-ins in the Console, items that fulfill hold requests will automatically generate transport or hold slips. If the Local Device Connector has been configured slips will print to the printer(s) configured in your settings, otherwise these slips will open as a PDF file that can then be printed to a receipt printer.
Print hold slips
The Console can enable printing of hold slips for your patrons. Library staff members can print a hold slip so that they can place it in a book, which the customer will then pickup.
When a staff member is checking in items, if there is a new hold on the item for another costumer, the system will automatically print out a hold slip. This will open up a new tab in which the user can then print the receipt. A confirmation will show on the page in the Console.
Reprint an item's hold slip
To reprint a hold slip:
- Select an item that meets the hold criteria
- Click, Action.
- The following options will display:
- Reprint hold/transport slip
- Cancel check-in
- Three scenarios can happen:
- If multiple items are selected, and one of those items is on hold, and you select Reprint hold/transport slip, the system will print a hold receipt for the hold item that is selected.
- If more than one hold items are selected and you select Reprint hold/transport slip, the system will print a hold receipt for the eligible hold items selected.
- If a mix of hold items and normal items are selected, when the user selects Reprint hold/transport slip, the system will only print new receipts for the hold items. The receipts will not be printed for the normal items
Reprint transport slips
If a staff member checks in an item that is required for transport to another location, the system will print a receipt for that item.
To reprint a transport slip:
- Click, Action. The following options will display:
- Reprint hold/transport slip - select if a transport slip is needed.
- Cancel check-in - select if the item is not needed for transport
- Three scenarios can happen:
- If multiple items are selected, where one of the selected items is a transport item, and the user selects Reprint hold/transport slip option, the system will print a transport receipt for the selected hold item.
- If multiple hold items are selected, and then select Reprint hold/transport slip, the system will print a hold receipt for the selected hold items.
- If the user has selects a combination of hold and transport items, and then selects Reprint hold/transport slip, the system will print a hold and transport receipt for each item that is eligible.