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Learn how to create and maintain user roles within the System tab in the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Access codes and authorizations > Access authorizations.

System tab 

System roles provide base function groups upon which user roles can be created. System administrators can create and maintain user roles on the System tab. Contact OCLC Support to request a new System role to be added to Wise.

The screen is divided into three sections. New roles can be added in the Add user role box at the top of the page. Existing system roles display in the table below the Add user role box and can be edited via this table. The bottom of the screen displays the functions of a selected role.

See Wise role functions for more information on system role functions.

Add user role 

To add a new user role to your system:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Access codes and authorizations > Access authorizations and select the System tab.
  2. At the top of the screen, enter the new role in the Add user role box:
Field Description
New role* Enter a name for the new role.
description* Enter a description of the new role.
System role* Select the System role upon which the new role is based from the drop-down list.
  1. Click Save to save the role. The newly created role is added to the user role table in the middle of the screen.

 Note: When a new is added that requires access to the Wise configuration manager, the WISE Application Administrator system role must be selected as the base for this new role.

Add, delete or edit a role 

Roles can be added, deleted, or edited the System tab. To edit a role:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Access codes and authorizations > Access authorization and select the System tab.
  2. Click on a role to add or edit functionality in the role table in the middle of the screen. The User role maintenance box opens to the right of the table.
  3. Click on a button below the User role maintenance fields to perform a function:
    • Delete - delete the selected role. A confirmation appears, click OK to confirm.
    • Edit - edit details of the role. Make changes to the description and/or System role fields. A confirmation message appears. Click OK to begin editing.
    • Add - add changes to the role. If a different System role is selected, the functions of that role are added to the selected role.

       Note: When adding a new role, the System Role must have manager permissions in order to allow access to the to the Wise configuration manager.

    • Cancel - cancel changes made to the role.

Edit role functions 

The functions of a role appear in a table below the user role table. Functions can be edited on both the Roles tab and the System tab, but on the System tab, you can also update the description of the function. To edit role functions:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Access codes and authorizations > Access authorization and select the System tab.
  2. Click on a role in the role table in the middle of the screen. The functions of the role are displayed at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on a function line to edit. An edit box opens to the right of the table.
  4. Make desired changes. Change the Access levels and/or description of the function.
  5. Click Save.


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