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OCLC Wise Support EN

Budgets overview

Learn how to create a budget overview of material expenses in the Wise staff client.

The budget overview provides a report of the materials expenses for one or more branches in an organization for a specified year.

To generate the Budget overview:

  1. Go to Titles > Overviews > Budgets. The Budget overview window opens.
  2. Select preferences for the overview. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
    Field Description
    Branch Select the branch(es) to include in the report. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches.
    Institution Select the institution to display in the report.
    yrs* Enter the year for which the report will be run. By default, the system displays the current budget year.
    Vendor Specify a vendor. If no selection is made, the report will include all vendors.

    Select the details that will be reported:

    • G - county (LCM)
    • I - institution
    • P - branch location (LCM)
    • V - branch
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser.

The report displays the budget of each branch, divided over one or more sub-budget. The data per sub-budget is printed including a total count per branch.

For each budget, the total amount, expended amount, encumbered amount, and remaining balance appears in the BIRT report. 

Budget overview for BCB

A budget overview for BCB can be run using the above instructions with the BCB branch selected. The basic premise is that the amounts of orders (entered and ordered) that are apportioned to the BCB branches are made clear. The budget amount is filled in by the order administrator in the manager for the BCB. When the year rolls over to the next year, the outstanding orders are carried over to the following budget year, unless otherwise specified in the Wise configuration manager. For the total outstanding amount, a carry-over budget is assigned.


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