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OCLC Wise Support EN

Online memberships

Generate a report of customers who registered for a library membership via the web portal.

The Online memberships overview provides insight into the number of people who register as members of the library or who buy tickets via the internet. This overview also displays the number of people who quit during the registration process and at what point in the process they quit.

Generating an Online memberships overview

To generate the Online memberships overview:

  1. Go to Customers > Overviews > Online memberships. A selection window appears.
  2. Select preferences for the overview. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. 
    Field Description
    Institution Select the institution (system)

    Select if you only want to see a count of ticket sales, completed registrations, or which quit at a specific point:

    • N0 - ticket sale/newsletter not finished
    • N1 - ticket sale/newsletter finished
    • A0 - online registration phase 0
    • A1 - online registration phase 1
    • A2 - online registration phase 2
    • A3 - online registration phase 3
    • A4 - completed online registration

    Period for which the report is generated. Enter to/from date. The end date is the start date of the next period.


    • Overview January: period 01/01/2012 to 02/01/2012
    • Overview February: period 02/01/2012 to 03/01/2012
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser.

Online memberships overview output

The following information appears on the report:

  • Customer (customer ID)
  • Status of registration
  • Customer's name and address information
  • Main branch (registration branch)
  • Email address of the customer
  • Membership number
  • Description of the selected membership


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